Radio On Demand
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We are not-for-profit community organisation, serving South Australian ethnic groups and advocating multiculturalism for almost fifty years. Our volunteers are the back bone of this feat, but none of it would be possible without the financial help of our supporters. Your generosity is greatly apreciated!

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Make a Bequest to 5EBI

5EBI is not your average radio station. With you, our listeners, we form a community; your community.

We are a not-for-profit organisation… That means we have only one purpose: to give a voice to local ethnic communities. We think everyone deserves a chance to speak their mind, in their language.

If you have enjoyed our programmes over the years and value what we do, when you are planning or changing your will, think of including us. A bequest to 5EBI will make a real difference for the future. It is the gift of a lifetime, the reassurance that your community stays strong and rich for years to come. It is your legacy.

There are many ways you can include 5EBI in your will. It can be a Specific, Percentage or Residual Bequest… Talk to your solicitor about it.

For more information, you can talk to our General Manager in complete confidence by calling 8 211 76 35 during office hours.

Make a bequest to 5EBI. It will always be remembered.

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