Financial Reports 
Over five decades 5EBI has built a strong financial base, including owning the building that houses its studios and administration at 10 Byron Place, Adelaide ... but also the adjoining building behind, facing onto Oakley Street.
Regardless, the costs for running such a diverse station such as 5EBI is high.
We rely heavily on the support of
- Our Wonderful Volunteers!
- Federal; State and Local Government grants
- Membership Fees from our Broadcasting Groups
- Membership Fees from Individuals and Friends of 5EBI
- Generous Donations from individuals and businesses - particularly during Radiothon in October each year
- Sponsorship fees from businesses & groups promoting their products / services on-air
- People hiring our Auditorium
- Bequests from incredibly generous, philanthropic people!
But times are getting increasingly harder to make ends meet. If you are able to support our radio station in any way, we would appreciate hearing from you.
In the meantime, please feel free to explore our recent Financial Report, downloadable from this page.